Friday, January 8, 2010

My wife, NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!?

Says she wants to stay together and work on things, so i agreed (despite previous personality issues) the other night we are in bed together (yes ';really in bed';) and she calls me another man's name... whats next? she says she doesn't remember it and is sorry. I know what i heard though. I don't follow her or check her txt messages and I am not going to revert to petty stalking. She did confess that she erased a txt message from a guy friend of hers, the same name she called me, but all it said was i miss you.the next day she told the guy she wasn't gonna talk to him and told him the situation. She showed me the txt which said on both parts they weren't interested in each other, could be a game or the truth i don't know, whats your advice on the situation?My wife, NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!?
where there is smoke, there is fire...My wife, NEED ADVICE!!!!!!!?
';so i agreed (despite previous personality issues)';

WHAT my friend does that mean? are you looking for an excuse to point your finger? you sound like a jerk Narc, and she's a cheating liar.

She's either cheated, or was going to , and almost got caught, hence showing you texts'; oh look.. I'm innocent see.. I could of but I didn't';..

let the loser woman cheat. In the meantime you can continue flexing in the mirror
She's unfaithful. Maybe she wants to not be unfaithful and wants to do the right thing, but her actions will probably not reflect this. Find out why she was interested in someone else in the first place. If she cannot give a satisfying explanation, I say drop her off at her mom's house and wash your hands of her. Too many fine women in this world to waste your time on a cheating ho.
Yikes! Bob is not what you want to hear when your name is Daniel. I think she is hooking up with the other guy or at least entertaining it. If you see red flags around such as being out later and later, not answering the phone, turning the phone off, etc. - you probably need to address the seriousness of your need to move on.

People do think about others when they are having sex. She might have had her eyes closed and was thinking of that guy. Don't look to much into it. I know it might hurt and your doing the right thing when it comes to not checking her texts and stalking her. You need to trust your wife so trust her.
You know there is something going on, unless you wouldn't be asking Yahoo! Answers...

My incling is that it is a cover up. You don't just shout someone elses name, unless you have feels for them, or its a celebrity--- fat chance in...

Well I would sit her down. Tell her its not working for you. And go from there.
She is playing games on you. Whatever she showed you are most likely lies. You do not call out another man's name in bed by mistake. Needless to say that your wife and this man are deeply involved.
I think something is fishy here. And it is probably the guy's fingers that the text message came from.
Revert to petty stalking. I'm serious.
Sounds fishy to me. Have there been any other red flags? Might want to keep a closer eye on her for a bit...

Good luck.
You really want to try? Counseling. Both of you together.
I think she is cheating on you. Hire a private investigator.
make love to her and call out a woman's name at ';the moment'; then say oops sorry old memory
My advice is to go to a marriage therapist.
What are you waiting for? Go... Sorry to say this but, if it's not a game then she's only hanging on to you until she actually hooks this other guy enough to have a place to go. I suspect that it is a game and that maybe she has tried to actually tell you that she wants out before and you didn't listen/hear/believe her... I say this because I want desperately for my husband to accept that I want a divorce and I am not happy and I have actually considered and discussed these exact kinds of tactics with my girlfriends simply because nothing else has worked and he just will not accept it or doesn't care, I'm not sure which yet...but I cannot get through to him. Either way, you should go, or she should, whatever...get on with your life, don't drag it out, it's over, accept're probably not a bad guy, she's probably not bad...just bad together, there's no way around it especially if she's pulling this kind of's done in her mind already. IMHO anyway...
im sorry that really sucks...i would either let her know what she is doing to ur head and basically playing games and making u nuts..or leave..u sound wonderful and i hate to see bad things happening to good thing that could help if she is bored and thats why she is playing games would to seek marriage councling...but to me it sounds like she is playing mind games with u..she likes u to get jealous and makes her feel wanted by not only u but a stranger...once again im sorry wish u well

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