I had mine removed about a month or two ago. The DR did the keyhole surgery (where they went in only thru my belly button). The surgery went great, The pain was minimal, it was hard to get in and out of bed or on and off the couch. Don't move around too much though. I didnt use the Lortab prescribed to me, advil worked fine.
After the surgery, you can go back to what you normally eat. Some people have problems with certain foods, in which case you would change your diet.
Other than that, I feel soooooooooo much better. No more pain.Does anyone have any advice for my wife that is worried about having her gallbladder out?
Yes - do a gallbladder flush instead. It is not necessary to have your gallbladder removed in most cases as it is easy to pass the stones. Search on Amazon for a book by Andreas Mauritz (or something similar) I think it's called The Amazing Gallbladder and Liver Flush - shouldn't be too hard to find. You need to set aside a week but the actual flush takes a day. You drink organic apple juice for a week then have to drink combinations of epsom salts and olive oil. Sounds revolting but its less onerous than it sounds. You then poo into a colander (one reserved stricly for this puropose of course) and then you count how many stones you passed. You then have a colonic. You have to repeat the process until no more stones come out. Much better than surgery. Many of my clients have undergone this process and all have passed many stones and avoided having surgery.
Go for Key hole surgery if you have the option as it is less painful. Your stay in hosp may not be less.
Dont expect your symptoms to disappear overnight. It takes sometime.
Expect lot of Nausea and sickness in the post-op period.
Last but not the least GOOD LUCK
I had my gall bladder out by keyhole surgery i went in on the monday ad the op on tues and went home wednesday.I have to say you do get wind pains whish lasts for a couple of days and slightly unpleasant feeling around the area but apart from that its a lot better than normal surgery.Ive been great since i had mine out
Yeah, it's an incredibly routine operation and the average surgeon will have done it a thousand times.
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