Sunday, December 27, 2009

My wife has had 2 c-sections but would really like this one at home with a midwife. ANY ADVICE?

We are due in less than 3 months and are really praying for the right guidance. We want the best for both MOM and Baby.

Thank you...My wife has had 2 c-sections but would really like this one at home with a midwife. ANY ADVICE?
It's unlikely she'll receive the support of her medical team, as with 2 sections in the past there is a chance the previous section scares could rupture, which can be life threatening. It would also depend on why she had sections in the first place, and whether the problem was likely to occur for a third time.

Could she not try for a normal delivery but in a hospital or midwife unit? There she will have access to immediate medical care should a problem arise.

Ultimately though it's your decision and you cannot be ';forced'; to have a certain type of birth.My wife has had 2 c-sections but would really like this one at home with a midwife. ANY ADVICE?
Best for mum and baby is another c section after 2 sections. Sorry but its safer. A home birth is dangerous if shes had 2 prev sections as shes at a higher risk of scar abruption/uterine abruption the whole area is very weak now due to having had 2 prev lscs and its not fair to put that pressure on any home birth midwife. Infact no sane hospital would agree with your request. If it was after just one cesearian the hospital would agree to a vbac (vaginal birth after a cesearian) but after two the scar is just to weak.

At best they may agree to a hospital trial of labour with continous monitoring on the CTG machine but even thats pushing it.
Your wife could try a natural birth. But as for it being at home, I think you are going to have a hard time finding a LMC who supports that desision. If she wants what is best for her and her baby it might be better to listen to the doctors on this one. There is a risk of her c-section scar rupturing during contractions. This is extremly rare, but when it happens it is very dangereous for both mother and baby and needs emediate medical care. If this happend at home then your wife could very well pass away before the ambulance team was able to help her. I dont mean to scare you but there is a reason why most doctors and midwifes would recommend she give birth in a hospital and this is why.

No reason why you cant make the hospital experience as homely as possible though. bring a stereo with favourite music, blankets from home, flowers, photos, anything to give the room a more homely feel. Good luck
I commend you- you're on the right track in thinking about having a home birth VBAC, also known as a HBAC (home birth after cesarian). And do NOT listen to what these other people have said about needing to be in a hospital! Unlike what has been mentioned here already, most doctors/hospitals will NOT allow VBACs due insurance reasons. Your wife's best chance of taking back her birth and her body is to do it at home. You are hugely more likely to find a supportive midwife who will help you through this. The risk of uterine rupture is so low, even after 2 c-sections. Good grief, it is more than twice as likely that your baby will be cut by the scalpel during a c-section than for your wife's uterus to rupture. The risk of rupture jumps considerably when labor is artificially induced. And that is NOT mumbo-jumbo, there is cold, hard evidence to back that up!

I have heard/read many, many stories of women with 1, 2, or more c-sections in their past who have gone on to have a wonderful home birth with an educated midwife, usually because they weren't allowed to try for a VBAC in their hospitals.

But you need to do what is right for you and your wife. Talk to a midwife. Check into local birthing centers. Go to and read up on VBACs. ICAN also has a list of doctors and hospitals that will still support a VBAC.

And keep doing what you have been doing. Pray. God will give you wisdom.

God bless you!
She'll be hard pressed to find a doctor (or midwife) who will let her try for a VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) (especially after having not one, but TWO c-sections) and much less one who will deliver your baby at home.

Why did she have the c-sections? Was labor failing to progress? Does she have a narrow pelvis? If either of those are true, then she definitely will not be able to find someone who is willing to help.

The main concern about trying for a VBAC is uterine rupture (during labor/contractions, women who have had c-sections can rupture (the uterus splits open at the site of the old c-section operation). The risk of rupture is very, very small, but if it DOES happen, she'll have *minutes* to get to the operating room for a c-section or risk something awful (death to the baby, more than likely) happening.

I think what's best for the mom and baby (assuming a repeat c-section isn't medically necessary) is to talk with her ob/gyn or midwife and ask about trying for a VBAC in a hospital setting. If she's a good candidate, she'd get her vaginal birth (hopefully!) and if anything bad happened, she'd be in a hospital setting where she could be cared for properly.

I had to fight tooth and nail to find a doctor who was willing to let me try for a VBAC, and he told me that I was a great candidate, but that home births were out of the question. That's fine with me...I never wanted one anyway.
I would recommend your wife give birth in a hospital, with emergency medical teams close at hand. Natural childbirth after a c section always carries risks, especially as your wife has had 2 in the past. It would be too much of a risk to the baby and your wife if she has it at home, even with a doctor present. Good luck.
i have also had a previous c section... if she wants to have it vag then most drs will do a vbac now but she needs to do it in a hospital bc of possible rupture... if it ruptures and she isnt in the hospital it could kill her and the baby especially if the baby gets stuck.... i would def talk to her dr b4 u guys make the decision... could be very dangerous...
If this is her first VBAC then I highly doubt you will be recommended to do this at home, it's not worth the risk. However, if your wife has already had a successful VBAC you might be able to try for another at home.
I would talk to the midwife about all of your options. A lot of women are able to have a VBAC. I guess it would depend on the reasons for the two previous c-sections. Good luck with whatever you decide!
I saw on 18 kids and counting... she has had lots of c sections also after those she had births at home with a midwife and a doctor present

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