Thursday, December 31, 2009

My wife is traveling from San Diego to Incheon, South Korea with our 6 month old son. Your best advice?

What can be done to make it more painless? Should I contact his doctor (my son) to see if he can provide something to help with the trip? I do not like that idea, but it may have to be done to help my wife out since she is going to Korea alone with him.My wife is traveling from San Diego to Incheon, South Korea with our 6 month old son. Your best advice?
My adughter is 6 now. I have traveled alone with her across the globe many times.

Your son is 6 months now, so maybe the collic stage is behind him... Most babies are annoyed by take-offs and landings because of the pressureon the ears. This cannot be avoided. Some seem to not notice, but a baby prone to ear-pressure will wake up when it is happeneing and cry. But it passes quickly. (although it seems like hours because everyone is around you)

I have never medicated her because doctors urged me against it. I would be surprised if a doctor gives you something to put him to sleep. Why take the chance of medicating if it is not necessary?

In my experience, I have had to walk Jolie a bit to calm her down, but she eventually went to sleep. Usually I walked her near the galley, once the plane was up in the air. And then she slept normally, like she does at home.

What arilines are you flying?

An Asian airlines is MUCH MORE HELPFUL than a US carrier, where some flight attendants can barely tolerate their adult customers, let alone their children.My wife is traveling from San Diego to Incheon, South Korea with our 6 month old son. Your best advice?
i've traveling on korea-air many times w/ my daughter - at 4mths, 6 mths, 10 mths and 24 mths. all of the flights were cross-continental as well.

yes, visit your peds doc before you fly. bring some children's benedryl. depending on your child's weight, you can give 3 - 5 mls to your baby to help w/ YOUR sleep on flight. most of my friend's children did well w/ benedryl. my daughter did not. it had the intended affect - for her to sleep, but she woke up w/in an hour and was more fussy. try your best to get the baby adjusted to the time difference at least a week in advance. this will probably make life more difficult for your wife b/c it will require one of you to stay awake too, but TRUST ME, on the flight and when you reach your destination, things will go soooooo much more smoothly.

for ear pressure problems - if the baby is still breastfeeding, try to feed during take-offs and landings. if that's not possible, a bottle will do or a pacifier.

ask for bulk-head w/ a bassinet. all international carriers have this option. you get more leg room and you can put the baby in the bassinet while he is sleeping.

the best remedy for crying is to take turns w/ your spouse. generally, asiana or korean air both have very professional and helpful staff. if you can't take turns the attendants help out as well. just ask. don't be afraid to ask.

good luck!
You can contact to airline companies to check what kind of special service they provide for a infant and mother.

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