I am thinking of booking a week or two holiday for myself, wife and baby when the baby is 6 months old, to mexico. Basically an all inclusive holiday, do you think its worth it, and safe the baby or should I leave the holiday until the baby is older?My wife is expecting a baby on the 30th April this year, I am looking for some advice regarding holidays?
Personally I would wait until the baby is older. Travelling with a child is hard! They get so antsy on the ride.My wife is expecting a baby on the 30th April this year, I am looking for some advice regarding holidays?
Have you talked with your wife about what she would like to do? She may not want to take the child out for a holiday that young. While there is nothing wrong with traveling with a child, many people do it, but maybe you should start small if you have never done it before, it's a lot different caring for a child in a hotel and else where (strange sleeping quarters can make a child not WANT to sleep, which makes you tired, which makes the next day lag on and on) so you might want to reconsider such lofty expectations. Take a weekend trip first to get a feel for it, go somewhere close but enjoyable and see how that works.
mexico! lovely. Maybe you should leave it a little longer as your wife will still be tired a lot, even when the baby is six months. good luck !
for a 6 month old baby in Mexico?
Mexico has strong sunlight.
I would'nt risk that.
Wait a year atleast.
There are pros and cons to travels with baby.
I hopped a flight to Florida when my son was about 8 weeks old. It was a nightmare of planning, since I was packing while extremely sleep-deprived, but the trip itself was a delight. Many small children love water, and at that age, they're highly portable. Trouble is, they have a ton of gear! But the motion of the flight often puts them to sleep, so in some ways, it's easier than traveling with a toddler.
We've done a number of ambitious trips since then - driving the California coast with a 2.5 y.o., the Big Apple, plus your basic resort get-away. I'd say that while there are often headaches, the good outweighs the bad.
The secret is lowered expectations. You realize that having baby on board means that there's work involved, and that there's less romance, more nursery rhymes. But it can be really relaxing anyway, especially since there's no cleaning and cooking to think about. In fact, I think an all-inclusive is just right for a baby ... just make sure it is a kid-friendly resort with high chairs in their dining areas and food service hours that mesh with a newborn's early-rising schedule.
Whether or not it's safe, well ... assuming your baby is healthy, there's nothing unsafe about it. You can't exactly scale rock formations with the baby in a Baby Bjorn, but you can hang out at the beach. By 6 months, they can use sun screen, so basically the same rules apply as with an older child or an adult.
Go. Have fun. The baby won't remember it, but after the first few months of constant work and little reward, you'll need a getaway!
Of course, you might want to confer with your wife - it's equally possible that what she'll want more than anything is to leave the baby with the grandparents and getaway for a long weekend by yourselves ... but I would've leapt at the chance to spend a week in Mexico as a family.
Wow, I can't believe all the discouraging answers! Too hot? Not if you go near the ocean where climates are more temperate. Not to mention the fact that most places these days do have air conditioning!
Babies at 6 months aren't fragile and do just fine with temperature regulation. Dress baby for the weather just as you would dress yourself and it will be fine. Use plenty of sunscreen and keep baby in the shade. Use the pool or ocean to keep cool and make sure baby has plenty of fluids.
Traveling with a baby might seem like a more daunting task than the old days of just you and your wife, but it's only a pain if you let it be and have a negative attitude. Many people travel with their children from much earlier ages and have a lovely time.
You might want to try an overnight or weekend trip a little closer to home to see how things go.
Have fun!
You might be ok but i don't think the little one will enjoy it, At that age kids have problems regulating there body temp, you would just spend 2weeks of hell with a very hot unhappy baby, not much of a holiday for you or the missus...
i agree with everyone its so hot and the baby would be miserable not to mention yourselves, think about how much luggage u have to bring with you. if you fancy a few days away from the norm book into a hotel in the countryside, its still a holiday but without having to do the whole stress full travel and airport thing with ur little one. whatever u decide to do have a good one and congrats on becoming a dad
in my area they say that after 3 months its ok to go out with baby. i dont know how mexico is (i am far from that) but to have a holiday at 6months i dont think its a problem. just take care of the baby real good.
i will suggest that you ask the doc for advice concerning where to take the child.
i hope it all work out fine.
congrats on the baby and take care
Not Mexico - somewhere like the Canaries
Wait untill baby is older, it wont be much of a hoilday with a 6 month old and will probably be much too hot and un settling for the little one.
I wouldn't go somewhere hot and humid but maybe somewhere a bit closer and cooler.
are u nuts
that temperature and humidity - you will have a miserable holiday
wait until the child is much older and go somewhere more baby friendly - climatewise.
This is entirely yours and your wife's decision but........... if it was me i dont think i would want to take a baby to Mexico as its extremely hot and i would constantly be worried about the baby over heating and i also wouldn't be able to relax in the sun!! Why cant you choose somewhere not so hot as your baby wouldn't enjoy being in that heat, good luck xx
It is hard to say now before your baby has been born. Everyone is speaking of heat and humidity but do not know where you currently reside. I live in Miami where it was over 90 degrees yesterday (Feb 25) so the Mexico temperature is not far from my children's normal environment.
The issue is that babies have different temperaments and you don't know your little one yet to be able to make a knowledgeable decision about whether to travel. My oldest child was an angel when we traveled with him at five months on vacation; however, I could not dream of enjoying myself traveling with my youngest. They just have two different personalities. My suggestion is to wait until baby arrives and you have had time to get to know him/her before making decisions on travel.
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