Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Is my wife pregnant? Woman advice needed?

My wife has hardly ever been late for her period. In fact I think the latest she has been is 3 days late. Right now she is on day 9. She has taken 2 home pregnancy tests but both said she was not pregnant. We have not had a child yet so we are both kind of new at this. Any advice?Is my wife pregnant? Woman advice needed?
A negative result does not mean she's not pregnant. A friend of mine never got a positive home test result. She gave birth to a happy baby and everything was fine.

Those tests detect specific hormones that sometimes take a while to build up in the system enough to be detected in the urine. My advice, if she's 9+ days late, she is either pregnant or has something seriously wrong. In either case, she needs to make an appointment to see her doctor. They can draw blood and do an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy or figure out why she's so late.

If I were betting, I would bet on her being pregnant. She probably should start taking prenatal vitamins just in case. They're good for you whether you're pregnant or not, and folic acid is essential especially in the first trimester. I began taking them a couple months before I got pregnant and my husband and I are now 11 weeks away from welcoming a healthy (so far) baby girl.

Good luck!Is my wife pregnant? Woman advice needed?
If she is pregnant it will show on the test after some weeks, the first symptom is when she is missing her period, but it could be other reasons for it also.

But i think you guys should wait a bit maybe 1-2 weeks before she takes the test again, then you will get the correct answer.

Many persons can take maybe 10 tests before they get the correct answer, so if you really want to know, then wait a bit to make the answer as clear as possible.

I wish you both good luck, and i hope you guys get the answer you want.
Have you been 'trying' for a baby - maybe the pressure of it has taken a toll?? I'd get your wife down to the doctors for a blood test, as HPT's don't work for every woman. Also, the cleablue digital ones are good, very much to the point, no question over results. get to the doctor, and good luck.
She may not be pregnant. It is common that women will be late or completely miss a period especially if she is under a lot of stress. My wife did the same thing before we ever had sex. She was like two weeks late and the preg test was negative. Dont worry about it yet. Give her comfort and support and let her relax. When she is rested and stress free things will go back to normal.
she should go to the gynecologist.but if it turns out she is prego you guys must be old enough and your married don't worry it'll all come along.fist child is always stressful but be patient and calm and everything will be ok but if shes not preganant then good.
it might be too soon to know by a home pregnancy test or sometimes they are just not accurate i would suggest going to a clinic because they would tell you for sure if she is or not sometimes women miss there period b/c of stress or other reasons so its still a 50/50 chance
Well, if you both think she is pregnant then you could go to the doctor and have a little blood drawn. That is a sure way to tell if she is pregnant!
Well at 9 days pregnant she's more than likely not pregnant. Although people have gotten a negative and been pregnant it's not very common, and not at 9 days. Keep trying.
It's possible but there are other reasons for missed periods too. If you can be patient, then wait a few more days and test again but you could also go to the doctor for a blood test.
could just b stress but i recentley found out im pregnant i done a test at 10 days late said neg then i waited another week and it was positive leave it abit longer if still neg then go 2 docs
Girls periods run late all the time..... Just go to the doctors and find out... or u can look up there to see if you can see baby feet
Maybe try a different brand of test? Some are more sensitive than others. Check out this site: http://www.babyhopes.com/pages.php?pageid=12
1 get a blood test from her OBGYN

2 wait another week and take an at home test
Try different tests the ones you used may be false
looks that way to me! better start furnishing the nursery!
Tell her to take the test in a few days. It's possible...
i would wait and if she still hasnt started in a month then do another test..sometimes women skip a period
she must not be

if she doesnt have her period soon take her to the dr
wait a few weeks before you test again .
wait a few weeks...my tests were negative up until i was 8 weeks pregnant....good luck!!!!!!

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