Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What happens to the husband or wife God had saved for you when you get married before asking his advice?

What I mean is, what if you marry a woman, who is good to you, but that isn't your ';soul'; mate.

Does God just let her get married to another guy so that even if you prayed later on, she is well, taken?

And how does it work?

If she prays for you, does that keep you from marrying till you meet her?

If you pray for her, does that keep her from marrying till she meets you?

Does it matter if one soulmate prays for the other, or do both have to be praying?

Will God change the path of the other person's life in time? Or will the one pray in vain?What happens to the husband or wife God had saved for you when you get married before asking his advice?
i did that, I met someone who is probably my soul mate. Went with someone else, and then 10 years later i end up with that ';probably soul mate'; anyway. I think god keeps pushing us in the right direction, and it is simply up to us whether we take the direct route or the round about one.

I am not sure that god really believes in human marriage. If you do it against his wishes he seems quite willing to break it up...What happens to the husband or wife God had saved for you when you get married before asking his advice?
Many times we do not wait on God to send us the perfect one but God can turn the one who you may not think is the one into the perfect one.
If you were going to free will a marriage then I doubt GOD would have a spare soul mate.

GOD has a will for your life.

You have total free will.

The way we bring our will on line with GOD's will is to pray, watch for the answers and react to them. Like the Army's ';Shoot, move and communicate';.

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

GOD will handle the results of your decisions even if they are against his will.
he didn't save me a wife but I do pretty good with the strays.
:) nice question:) wish i knew the answers myself, well God has his reasons if a person remains single for life,its a matter of choosing also, if God has made the right lady land on your path and u were thinking whatever, u may lose her, regards to prayer, well its good that boht people pray and maybe God will take pity on both and have them meet:D
I dunno...maybe he just squeezes them back through his play-doh machine?

Why would you marry someone who (in this theory) wouldn't be right for you in YOUR thoughts?

Isn't asking god the same as double-checking with your conscience?

And is marriage worth it? It doesn't make the possibilities of cheating/incompatibility/death/infertili鈥?disappear.

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