Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Relationship advice. My wife is dying?

2 years ago my wife was told she had 2 years to live, Her time is coming up she is really bald and she is just ugly. I am getting sick of her constant nagging about how I need to show more love, and she will die soon and I will miss her. What is a good way to break up with someone with a mindset like this?Relationship advice. My wife is dying?
Now, when it comes to troll questions, this has got to be one that ranks up there.

Since it lacks any taste whatsoever, my answer will be equally without class.

Take this as an incredibly rare opportunity to find out what it is like to get passionate with an ugly bald woman. You may find that its the best you ever had, and develop a bald/ugly fetish. Eventually, you'll find yourself wandering around the ';nasty'; section of the local adult movie store, crying about how you miss your squeaky-clean plug-ugly honey.....Relationship advice. My wife is dying?
if i was your wife i would haunts your ******* *** until you died make sure that you would never be happy. i hope she makes you want to cut your ******* throat or blow your ******* head of with ak47 you ******* sick bastered. your going to hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

your worse then hitler!!
ok first off you have to realize, that SHE is the one who is going to die, and it's HER that is going to lose everything... if you were put in her position and she were in your position, how would you want her to react?
You are a horrible human being just by asking this question.
Your a pig!
you dont be there for her and show her love you married her for her not for the way she looks when you said i do thats for SICK and health so you should just suck it up
wow you are really wrong for that your wife,the woman you vowed to love until death do you apart is dying and would do this to her..
You seriously need God in your life.
No one lives forever, that includes you. One day you are going to be where she is at. You need to think about that.
Either you are the worst kind of troll or you are the most callous pig the world has either seen.
First of all, there is no good way to break up with a dying person. Good Lord.

Try this, shave your head, get real pale, act as if your legs are broken and lay around for a while, long enough that you have cabin fever and you're tired all the time and gripe about everything.

Here's what you really do. You encourage your wife to make some decisions about her affairs, make sure she has advance directives in place so that there will be no question about what her desires are concerning her own life.

There are two kinds of ugly - the physical kind and the attitude kind. I dare say that you're much uglier than she is. Man, give this some real thought. I understand it isn't easy being in limbo with a dying spouse and hopefully you're going through a hard time dealing with it yourself and this is how it comes out. Get some counseling or some help.

Don't force her hand. You will regret it the rest of your life.

By the way, I do know a case when the wife had cancer and told her husband for well over 2 years she was dying. He ended up leaving her because he found out the cancer was basically cured or in remission and she was not dying, but she was getting all the narcotics she could and selling some of them and staying ****ed up on the rest of them. Cases like that might warrant a divorce. (She's still alive, that was 8 years ago.)

Another case I know, a friend was leaving his wife, they had a young child. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and he stuck through thick and thin with her, and was left with a young son to raise. (They were older). He did his very best to make her life as comfortable as he could. Today he is now remarried, I am happy to say, to a wonderful woman who knows he will be there for her.

While you're at it, take your wife out for drives and do simple things so that she'll get some fresh air and a feeling of life before she dies. Or call me and I'll do it. Because that's what we do for dying people.
Tell that E.T. lookin ***** to phone home, and get the F*CK out!

Or just ask her to get something from the store, like a wig, then change the locks before she gets back.

I'm sensitive like that...
Y and A need to do a better job at watching for trolls. There's no way anyone is gonna believe this. Get a life dude.
I understand your situation, but wait man, dont break with her, wait until she dies, dont break her heart now, its no good. Maybe if you told her that you gonna break up she might die instantly, try that.
Hire a hospice nurse and make yourself scarce.
Your a very sick little boy!
You have got to be kidding me! What kind of a jerk are you!? You made a vow to your wife to be there in sickness and in health until death do you part, you idiot. You need to put your own selfish desires aside and comfort your ailing wife. Especially if she's so ill that she's on her death bed. That's what a MAN does. He steps up to the plate and is a husband. What an idiot!

she's dying and all you care about is yourself and your pathetic needs!?

just what the hell kind of husband are you any how?!
Stop screwing with us.

This was your last question.

Ok me and my wife were having rough anal sex and all the sudden she screams and tells me to pull out and ******* was covered in blood like drizzling off of my **** and it was mixed in with her fecal matter and my **** and it was a gross concoction. How should we clean this mess up?
  • pop beauty
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